Creativity, Connection, and Community

Explore the vibrant world of artistic expression at Main Line Unitarian Church, where music, visual arts, writing, and performance come together to inspire, connect, and celebrate human creativity.

Music at MLUC

Music is an integral part of life at Main Line Unitarian Church. From worship to social gatherings, it's a part of just about everything that happens here.

Music at our Sunday services draws from many sources, ranging from traditional classical music to jazz, folk, world music, klezmer, and rock. We enjoy musical offerings from talented members of our congregation as well as guest professional musicians from the local community, as well as faculty and students from area colleges and universities.

Our Arts Offerings
  • The Art Group (TAG): Unleashing creative spirits through exhibitions and collaborative art
  • Choirs and Instrumental Groups: Multigenerational musical ensembles enriching worship services
  • Folk Sing: A casual gathering for singers and instrumentalists
  • illumine: Showcasing professional music across genres
  • Open Mic Night: A monthly platform for diverse performances
  • Writers Group: Sharing original stories, poetry, and personal narratives